Explore this map to learn about trees around Penn's campus. Then, vote on which trees you recognize
Explore this map to learn about trees around Penn's campus. Then, vote on which trees you recognize
Explore this map to learn about trees around Penn's campus. Then, vote on which trees you recognize
Explore this map to learn about trees around Penn's campus. Then, vote on which trees you recognize

April 6th, 2024
Irvine Auditorium Main Hall
TEDxPenn brings "Limits to Infinity" to the stage in 2024. The theme is intentionally polysemic—the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase. In just this year, we’ve witnessed these thresholds approached and tested - in the capabilities of the human body, the performance of our machines, and the balance of our planet’s resources. While limits are cast as antagonists of advancement, they are, paradoxically, agents for innovation and mindful stewardship.
At TEDxPenn 2024, we invite you to delve into the paradox of constraints with us. Join the conversation to uncover how luminaries across disciplines - scientists, artists, and thought leaders - navigate limits to approach an infinity of possibilities.
TEDxPenn brings
to the stage in 2024.